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Massage stick for face and natural stone eye:

Composition: China jade, white quartz/rock crystal, lava stone

Benefits of massage: Massing with the baton allows in particular to drain the lymph and eliminate toxins, to improve blood circulation, to make care penetrate faster and to multiply their efficiency, to decongest the eye contour by reducing the pockets, Dark circles, but also sinuses, to massage and relax certain muscles and tensions of the face, to stimulate the production of collagen. Improve the skin texture visibly, to fight against aging by smoothing the first fine lines and fine lines, but also to fight against skin sagging. Anially cold, it is also very useful for decongesting the face.

Cleaning: before 1st use and all 2-3J. Clean with light water and soap the parts in contact with the skin.

You have more questions ?
Do not hesitate to contact me, I am at your disposal for any information! :)