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Pyramid Orgonite 7 Chakras per unit

Pyramid Orgonite 7 Chakras per unit

Regular price 9.90€ HT
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Pyramid Protective Orgonite in Resin and Natural Stone

Dimension: 6 cm x 6 cm
4 cm x 4 cm

To put it simply, orgonite is in fact created from minerals, metals (gold & copper) & resin. Orgonite is a creation that has the origin of the work carried out by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, pupil of Freud.

Orgonite is a filter, a "harmonizer" of the ambient, the main particularity of which is to draw the negative orgone (DOR) present from its environment and to translate it into a positive orgone (POR).

When it is positive, it allows living organisms to exist in a healthy state. Reich has done a lot of research on the properties and behaviors of this energy. It built an Orgone accumulator from alternative layers of metal and organic matter. He also observed that Orgone energy was able to neutralize nuclear radiation.

There are many health benefits itself.
Sleep improvement
Decrease in chronic pain (back pain, headache, rheumatism)
Softens the effects of dangerous radio emissions (EMF), electromagnetic waves including 5G.
Improvement of plant growth and resistance to parasites
Water depollution by activating the natural regeneration capacities.
Improvement of intestinal transit and the digestive system.
She harmonizes the energies of the place
Recharge and purification

The Orgone purifier acts as a semi-precious stone. So you have to clean them regularly.

- Pass the orgonite in running water (river, sea, tap, etc.) for a few minutes
- After having wiped it down, put the orgonite in the sun for at least 1 hour.

Where to place your orgonite?

It is preferable to place the orgonite on a non -metallic, flat and smooth plane, and to place one of its faces towards the magnetic north.

To protect yourself from electromagnetic waves, you just have to place the orgonite on the electric meter, on your desk, near the computer, your television, modem, under your bed, near the phone, electrical devices in general And microwave, near children's game consoles, in the car, etc ... and to carry one on you (in the handbag, in jewelry, in the pocket).

Property of stones
You can also orient an intention by the stone used:
Peridot: ban and neutralize our toxins, get rid of negative emotions such as anger, envy, guilt, stress and hatred.

The tiger eye would be a balancing stone and used for these virtues of protections.

Amethyst is its ability to feel more calm and more comfortable, banish persistent concerns and anger.

Lapis Lazuli is known to be a protective stone. She plays a role in healing and helping us to reconnect with our emotions, which gives us more confidence and conviction to live our truth.

Obsidian has the power to protect us from negativity in our environment, preventing any psychic attack against us.

Citrine attracts abundance, prosperity, wealth and success

Turquoise can bring peace and higher energy for any relationship.

Red jasper is a stone of power, strength, courage, protection and stamina. It brings stability and balance in life.

Green Aventurine is a stone of prosperity, helps to carry out projects in the long term.

The pink tourmaline can clean the emotional body of destructive feelings and old wounds.

Multicolor tourmaline strengthens weak souls and gives them self -confidence. It helps to release tension and anxiety and increases the level of tolerance. It protects the nervous system and improves the immune system.

Aigue-Marine is a stone of courage. Its soothing energies reduce stress and calm the mind. He can invoke the tolerance of others and overcome judgment, by providing support to those who are submerged by responsibility.

The flower of life, universal symbol of protection, harmony, creativity, fertility, anchoring, abundance.

Now - although gold is mainly associated with wealth and wealth, the gold leaf is also offers a means of attracting happiness and serenity in our lives.

Copper - Copper is its link with the base and the sacred chakras, which revitalize our sexuality, our intuition and our life. Owning it will guide you in securing your evolution.

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